• 804-359-2475 • 6100 Chamberlayne Rd Richmond VA

Fourth Sunday After Epiphany

Service of Worship

10:30AM in the Chapel

Dedication of Colten, Dixon, and Davis

Recognition & Prayer for Elected Church Leaders

Sermon by Reverend Mandy England Cole

Scripture Texts:

Psalm 92:1-4

Luke 6:1-16

Reaching Across Lines

Jesus defied the conventions of Sabbath and proclaimed himself “Lord of the Sabbath.”  By his hands, the hungry are fed and the crippled are healed.  Teresa of Avila is quoted as saying, “Christ has no body now but yours.  No hands, no feet on earth but yours…Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world.”  How do these stories of how Jesus uses his hands to touch, feed, and heal inspire  and challenge us to do likewise?

Music by the Chancel Choir:

Lord, Here Am I

Guest Accompanist, Crystal Lennon

Categories: Announcements