• 804-359-2475 • 6100 Chamberlayne Rd Richmond VA

This coming Sunday, May 6th, we welcome Kate Campbell to GPBC!

Kate will lead a session in the chapel from 9-10AM on the theme 25 Years of Songwriting: Reflecting on Faith, Race, and the South.   During the session she’ll weave storytelling and singing together as she reflects on her experiences and on her renewed interest in the wake of the waves of events over the last several years.

After a break from 10-10:30 where coffee and light snacks will be served, Kate will also lend her musical gifts and storytelling to worship from 10:30-11:30. Our theme for worship is Stories of Transformation.

Kate Campbell is a Nashville based singer-songwriter with clear-water vocals and an eloquent gift for storytelling.  (With a healthy side helping of wit!)  From her website’s bio: “Originally from the Mississippi Delta and the daughter of a Baptist preacher, Kate’s formative years were spent in the very core of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s, and the indelible experiences of those years have shaped her heart and character as well as her songwriting.”

All are welcome to join us Sunday!

Childcare is provided for children under five years of age, and, children older than five are welcomed into worship.

If you are a newcomer, we look forward to welcoming you.  You may find it helpful to check out our “First Time Guest Guide”.


Categories: Announcements