• 804-359-2475 • 6100 Chamberlayne Rd Richmond VA

This Wednesday, October 3rd, we have been invited as special guests to worship alongside Sixth Baptist Church as they celebrate their 95th Church Anniversary with a week of Homecoming activities.  They are extending hospitality by offering a dinner at 6PM with a praise service and time of worship to follow.  Pastor Mandy will be speaking at the service and our choir will be singing.  Our hope, shared by their pastor Rev. Yvonne Bibbs, is that this will be a first introduction which will bridge racial divides and grow into a meaningful friendship between our churches.

Sixth Baptist Church is located at 400 S. Addison Street.  Let Pastor Mandy know if you are interested in carpooling from BTSR at 5:30PM.  To give them an idea of how many of us to prepare to host, please RSVP to the event in Realm.