• 804-359-2475 • 6100 Chamberlayne Rd Richmond VA

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
10:30 AM • ZOOM Meeting

Study Leader: Mark Biddle
Scripture: Philippians 1:21-30
Theme: “The Gift of Struggle”

If you’d rather join by phone, call: (301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 834 854 376

Our regularly scheduled September business meeting will take place following worship.  We will take a 10 minute break at the conclusion of the service and begin the business meeting in the same Zoom meeting space.

In this time of social distancing, we stay connected to one another by gathering virtually in worship  to join our voices together in prayer, to fellowship and share with one another, and to explore scripture in an interactive format.  Contact Sheryl or the church office if you need help getting ZOOM onto your device.

Artwork: “…The greater portion of the picture is occupied by a very expressive and dynamic rendering of the great fish, its tail swishing through the water. The gourd plant on the left has a hard black outline, as in the botanical books of the Mesopotamian school…The…shape of the foam…is…based on…Chinese convention. The naked figure of Yunus lies in the shade of the gourd that God caused to grow to provide him with food and shelter until he could recover his strength. (Jonah 4:6). The position of Yunus and the gourd plant, but not of the fish, is closely similar to the arrangement usual in early Christian art…, and numerous sarcophagi of the period may be compared…” [from University of Edinburgh, Or.MS 20]

Attribution: Rashid, al-Din. Yunus (Arabic for Jonah) under the gourd vine (plant/tree) and with the whale, 14th century, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.  [retrieved August 26, 2020]. Original source.