• 804-359-2475 • 6100 Chamberlayne Rd Richmond VA

When COVID hit and we pivoted to virtual worship, we suspended our monthly churchwide check-ins.  (Honestly, they just fell by the wayside as many things did.)  Beginning in October, we will resume these informal gatherings each second Sunday during the traditional “Sunday School hour (9:15am-10am). We will talk, listen, and share with one another how our church visioning and discerning are going, both as individuals and as a community.

Note: This is NOT a business meeting so there aren’t formal reports from boards or committees, though boards or committees are certainly welcome to share what they are up to as it relates to our visioning process.

I hope it will be a time of encouragement and a way to keep us accountable to one another and moving forward.  Hope to see you on October 10 in the Fellowship Hall or on Zoom.  All are welcome!